Power Outage Preparation Guide For Industrial Facility Electricity Loss Released

The new guide comes with the emphasis that production line facilities need to follow strict protocols in the event that power is suddenly lost. Electrical Power and Control cites research that claims a quarter of companies will be hit by power outages monthly on average. The less prepared employees are for periods of power loss, the longer the downtime could be.

For more information see https://electricalpowerandcontrol.com/what-to-do-in-the-event-of-power-loss/

Electrical Power and Control’s new guide is the company’s latest release encouraging readiness for potential power outages. As electrical and maintenance professionals, its team has had firsthand experience helping statewide businesses that have been negatively impacted by power failure.

Power outages can come in many forms, with the guide mentioning adverse weather conditions, faulty equipment, and simple human mistakes as potential causes. Due to the significant potential for disruption and lost revenue brought by power outages, Electrical Power and Control advises that appropriate planning is essential.

Outlining clear, actionable steps that can be followed by an entire workforce can help to mitigate any damage caused by power loss, says Electrical Power and Control – its guide is written to present examples of such procedures in full.

The new resource suggests regular lighting inspections as well as the assembly of emergency kits containing items that may help workers in dark conditions. It also recommends the installation of backup power generators and alternative power control solutions for emergencies. Access to radio communication lines is also crucial, stresses the guide.

Following such measures, alongside others specifically mentioned in the guide, can keep site workers safe and informed while helping them maintain a controlled working environment.

As written in the guide: “When a factory or other industrial facility has a power outage, it can cause undue financial loss and stress for employees. If there is no preparation, time, money, and even equipment could be at risk. No one can control when an unplanned power outage occurs, so it’s best to stay prepared.”

Alongside the steps outlined in Electrical Power and Control’s guide, the company announced additional preparatory assistance for local Alabama facilities. Its team is now available to provide guidance with contingency plans and assess existing on-site equipment for potential indicators of impending power failure.

Interested parties can learn more by accessing the full guide, found at https://electricalpowerandcontrol.com/what-to-do-in-the-event-of-power-loss/

Electrical Power and Control

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